It's been forever since I particpated in the Hop over at Crazy for Books. And I'm bored right now, so I figured I'd answer the question and visit some blogs. This week's question is:
What are you reading and why?
I'm reading Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. I'm reading as part of my Black History Month commitment. And because I've never read it. And because I had a copy of it on my Nook, that I downloaded free last summer. And because it seems like a book that I should have read by now.
I'm close to 100 pages into it, and I can't imagine what reading book must have been like in the mid-1800's, especially in the South. I'm not sure I like it, yet. The style is very dated...Stowe has an annoying habit of showing up and explaining things to me, rather than letting her story do it. Nonetheless, it's obvious this is a revolutionary novel, and took Stowe incredible courage to write.
So...that's what I'm reading... I'll hop around and see what everyone else is reading.
Wow - great classic! I think I read this on in High School. It's a good book, but due to the large-ness of it, sometimes gets a little slow. Here's what I'm reading: http://www.southernfiberreads.com/2011/02/follow-friday-and-book-blogger-hop.html